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Brief online crisis stress-management sessions

Dr Paul Duignan

Managing personal stress in a crisis work situation

The COVID-19 situation is putting many leaders, professionals and staff under stress. Brief online individual crisis stress-management sessions can be invaluable to help with this. These can be either just a single session, or several sessions when you need them and are able to fit them into your frantic schedule.

These quick sessions will help you:

  • Deal with the immediate stress of the situation you are dealing with at work.

  • Quickly process your wider feelings about the whole crisis and its impact on you, your family, your kids and your longer-term psychological and physical health.

  • Be faster and more efficient dealing with organisational dynamics and work relationship difficulties that inevitably arise in a crisis situation. Not dealing with them immediately can jeapodise your, and your organisations, effectiveness in responding to the crisis.

Dr Paul Duignan is a Registered Clinical Psychologist who has also had extensive real-world experience dealing with organisational issues at all levels: from top management, management, professionals, supervisors and staff. He also has had experience in extremely high-stress work environments. He works with people at all organisational levels to assist them: deal with immediate stress; protect themselves; make sense of what they are going through; and plan how to rapidly deal with any problems they are facing with organisational dynamics and work-place interactions.


Please note that if, when doing any type of psychological or self-development work, you find you are feeling overwhelming emotions or persistently troubling thoughts, you need to talk to a health professional.