The Two-Minute De-Stress: Stress-management in a crisis
Dr Paul Duignan
Two-minute de-stress
You can always find this page at PaulDuignan.Consulting/focusfast.
Many people find themselves in stressful situations whether it be worry about your family or work life, your health or your financial situation.
This two-minute de-stress tool can help you de-stress really fast when things all feel too much. Whenever you get a chance during the day, follow the steps set out below and do this as often as you can.
1. If possible, go somewhere undisturbed (e.g. the bathroom, if you do not have anywhere else to go at work). You can use this technique in the shower, if that is the only time you get to be alone!
2. Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale three deep breaths, make the out-breaths slower.
3. Count in the following way: (under your breath, or out-loud if it is appropriate to do so) one and one, one and two, one and three, one and four, one and five, one and six, one and seven, one and eight, one and nine, one and ten. Then move onto: two and one, two and two, two and three, two and four and keep going, then move onto three and one next. You might get to about ten and ten over the course of two minutes.
4. Just try to keep your full attention on the numbers as you count them. If you can, slow your counting down so you are taking more time for each count. Slowing down the pace at which you are counting will help you de-stress.
5. If you can, try to drop your awareness down into your body to ‘ground’ yourself. Regardless of how it feels, just keep counting.
6. When you need to finish the exercise, again inhale and exhale three deep breaths. As you inhale, imagine you are taking in positive clean stress-free light. As you breathe out, breathe out all your tension and stress as you exhale.
7. Later on, if you are able to grab two more minutes, standing, walking, or sitting, start counting again at about the place where you last left off, e.g. if you were up to about ten and ten, then start with eleven and one. This gives you a feeling that you are making progress during the day on de-stressing yourself, even if you are just doing it when you manage to catch two minutes here and there.
Please note that if, when doing any type of psychological or self-development work, you find you are feeling overwhelming emotions or persistently troubling thoughts, you need to talk to a health professional.