My Clinical Psychology Home Page | Resources


Some of the tools and resources I use with clients

Dr Paul Duignan


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HELP Tool - Helping someone with mental health or psychological issues.

ITEMS Model of the Mind - A simple model of the mind looking at Inputs, Thoughts, Emotions, Movements (behaviour), and Speech (communication). Used when taking about how to bring about personal change.

Two-Minute De-Stress - a quick technique to de-stress in a moment of crisis

Focus Your Thoughts - a longer version of the De-Stress technique to help you calm your thoughts. Can be used as part of a mindfulness meditation practice.

Accept Your Feelings - a technique to help you accept your feelings. Can be used as part of a mindfulness meditation practice.

CLEAR Communication - how to communicate clearly and assertively to someone about how you want would like them to behave in the future.

RULES Clarification Tool - A tool used to identify, and change, any troublesome ‘rules’ you have internalised about life that are stopping you from being who you want to be.

Letter to Myself - writing a letter to yourself that summarises the insights you have developed in the course of therapy.

Time Out - a way for couples busy with children and life to call Time Out during which they have a break for an hour or so before returning to the fray.

Childrearing Tips - a set of suggested tips to make childrearing more enjoyable.\

Caring for the SELF and others - a tool used in mindfulness meditation to increase the level of caring you have for yourself and for others to reduce the stress from self-criticism and from being unable to accept others the way that they are.


Please note that if, when doing any type of psychological or self-development work, you find you are feeling overwhelming emotions or persistently troubling thoughts, you need to talk to a health professional.