Natural Resource Management Examples

Achieving outcomes in natural resource management, conservation and the environment involves undertaking action across a number of different domains. Duignan’s Fast Visual Planning has been used on various aspects work in these areas in a number of countries.

Sector Examples

Duignan’s Fast Visual Planning for Government can be used to spell out the outcomes for a whole sector. This example is of recent work undertaken in the area of outcomes for Pacific Peoples. See more.

Pacific People’s Outcomes Example

The Pacific Wellbeing Strategy is a national-wide wellbeing strategy for all Pacific Communities in Aotearoa NZ. An outcomes booklet was built for the strategy. It consisted of a set of strategy/outcomes diagrams which capture the outcomes and steps leading to them that Pacific people want for themselves, their children and their communities. The outcomes booklet was developed from the results of extensive consultation with Pacific communities. The outcomes booklet is now being used within Duignan’s Fast Visual Government Planning to focus policy, funding and initiatives on the outcomes that Pacific people want. See more.