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Where you can get immediate help in New Zealand

Dr Paul Duignan

You can always find this page at PaulDuignan.Consulting/helpnow.

If you need immediate help, you can contact any of the below.

  • Samaritans Aotearoa (Confidential, non-judemental and non-religious support) - 0800 726 666.

  • Women's Refuge (For women and children) - 0800 733 843.

  • Shine (For men and women for physical or emotional abuse) - free call 0508-744-633 between 9am and 11pm.

  • 1737, Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for mental health support from a trained counsellor

  • What's Up – 0800 942 8787 (for 5–18 year olds). Phone counselling is available Monday to Friday, midday–11pm and weekends, 3pm–11pm. Online chat is available 7pm–10pm daily.

  • Kidsline – 0800 54 37 54 for people up to 18 years old. Open 24/7.

  • Youthline – 0800 376 633, free text 234, email, or find online chat and other support options here.

  • Te Haika - 0800745477, Mental Health Contact Centre for Capital and Coast District Health Board Wellington. Look up other public mental health services for other areas.

  • You can also always go to the Emergency Department at your local hospital to get help at any time.

If you can wait long enough to set up an appointment then you can also do the following.

  • You can go and see your GP and talk to them about the issue that you are facing.

  • You can search for a counsellor at Psychology Today or Talking Works or the NZ College of Clinical Psychologists.

    These contacts are current in April 2020. If you are looking at them later than that date then may need to check that they are still current.

Please note that when you are dealing with issues around child rearing, relationships, dealing with stress of any type or doing psychological or self-development work, if you find yourself feeling overwhelming emotions, troubling thoughts or actions, you need to talk to a health professional.

Copyright Dr Paul Duignan 2020