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An Emergency Plan for When You Get Stressed

Dr Paul Duignan

You can always find this page at PaulDuignan.Consulting/emergencyplan.

It can be useful to have an Emergency Plan for what to do when dealing with emotionally stressful situations. This can be made up of points such as the ones set out below. Identify what will work for you and develop your emergency plan, print it out and keep it in your pocket. Alternatively, have it on your phone, so that you can read it in any time of emotional emergency.

Your Emergency Plan

  1. If you can do it without people noticing too much (alternatively, where possible go to a quiet place) do the following:
    1) take a deep breath to a count of 4 (deep into your abdomen by pushing your belly out when you breath in and pulling it in when you breath out);
    2) then hold your breath for a count of 4;
    3) breathe out slower to 2 counts of 4; and,
    4) hold your out-breath for a count of four and repeat.

  2. And/or start counting in your head. ‘One and one, one and two, one and three . . . ‘ when you get to ‘one and ten’ start with ‘two and one, two and two, two and three . . . ‘ continue this pattern to count up to something like ‘. . . five and ten’.

  3. Say: ‘I am a good person who always tries their best’. You can add other affirmations to yourself that you have worked out, or you have jointly worked out with your therapist.

  4. If part of your stress is some negativity towards one or more other people. Say the following to yourself:
    Let them be safe and at well
    Let them be at ease and peaceful
    Let them be looking for the positive and happy
    Let them be caring for themselves and others’.
    There is more information on this tool in the Caring for the Self and Others Tool.

Please note that when you are dealing with issues around child-rearing, relationships, dealing with stress of any type or doing psychological or self-development work, if you find yourself feeling overwhelming emotions, troubling thoughts or actions, you need to talk to a health professional. If you are from New Zealand and need help quickly use a helpline number.

Copyright Dr Paul Duignan 2020