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Controlling Thoughts

Dr Paul Duignan

You can always find this page at PaulDuignan.Consulting/controlling-thoughts.

To a large extent, the thoughts that we have decide the type of person we are and how happy, optimistic or relaxed we end up being in the course of our lives.

This video talks about this fact and how we can actually learn to control our thinking.

It definitely takes work to learn to control your mind. But the reward of learning to control your thoughts is that we can finally get in the driver’s seat and work out who we want to be, how we want to feel and what we want to do with our lives.


Please note that when you are dealing with issues around child rearing, relationships, dealing with stress of any type or doing psychological or self-development work, if you find yourself feeling overwhelming emotions, troubling thoughts or actions, you need to talk to a health professional.

Copyright Dr Paul Duignan 2021